How to change your previous experiences in the body!

Our bodies remember our previous experiences. The more we can become aware of them in the moment, this is where change can occur. This weekend my team and I would do a time trial, to test the events we have been practicing.

I have decided to bring back the 400 free since naturally I am a distance swimmer. I was excited to test and see what I could do. I would do my normal warm-up, swim the 50 free then change into my tech suit.

When I was finished with the 50 free, I noticed I started to feel nervous, as if everything was on the line for this swim. I kept giving myself a pep talk like it’s ok Sarah, just like practice. As I started to put my tech suit on I felt a sense of uncontrollable anxiety.

I knew what I was feeling but I couldn’t stop it, I had to feel this, while being aware, I was feeling it. I even told my coach I feel nervous. I had no plan on what to do and so I just continued to make my way to the block.

Take your mark, go. I was off, the moment I dove in, I couldn’t feel my toes. The nerves had taken over. I forgot everything I have been learning in practice, and went into survival mode.

When I touched the wall, I realized I needed to experience that. Every race I am always nervous, just by putting that tech suit on created that awareness in my body. By being aware of it, I can change my future experiences.

The next day, I got a new opportunity to learn from this experience. I would be swimming in the ocean at the Malibu Tri, in a relay. Before I went to bed, I decided what time I wanted to leave, print the parking pass and prepare for an epic swim.

I woke up late, and said to myself, it’s ok. The printer wouldn’t print the pass, I said it’s ok. I never allowed myself to get worked up by any small detail. We got there in perfect amount of time. Manifested the people I needed to see.

By learning from yesterday’s lesson, I was able to work with God to create the reality I did want. I wanted to swim 1/2 mile in 15 min. I told everyone see you in 15 min. I spoke to the water, she spoke back to me. Sharing exactly what I would need to do to create that time.

I felt confident, but not attached as if it had already been created. The waves stopped for me, telling me with each stroke, what I needed to do. It was the perfect co creation. Having fun and being one with the ocean.

I got back like wow that felt fast, and later saw my time of 14:30. It can be effortless, we can create the realities we want. The more we trust, that we are doing it, that’s when the magic happens.

This weekend I got to heal trauma of all the years of being scared at a race. To feel it and be aware of what was happening, not judging myself but just allowing it to be. Then the next moment, I got to achieve my goal.

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